
*Will list the highest test passed for each organization for each discipline.  Skaters Listed alphabetically


ISI Tests

USFS Tests

Kiera Anderson

Bronze Open Freestyle

No Tests

Lauren Barber

Freestyle 1

No Tests

Zoe Blatnik

Freestyle 4 / Gold Open FS

Juvenile Moves / Juvenile FS

Caroline Brown

Freestyle 4

Pre-Juvenile Moves / Pre-Juvenile FS

Emma Collins

Freestyle 4

Pre-Preliminary Moves / Pre-Pre Freestyle

Rachel Cook

Freestyle 3

Pre-Pre Moves

Sarah Fergione

Silver FS

Adult Bronze Freestyle / Adult Bronze Moves /  Dutz Waltz and Canasta Tango (Pre Dance)

Kassy Fort

Platinum Freestyle

Junior Moves / Intermediate FS

Esther Gold

Freestyle 3

No Tests

Suzanne Greenberg

Freestyle 1

Preliminary Freestyle

Mackenzie Haskell

Freestyle 3

Pre-Preliminary Moves

Megan Keeney

Silver Open Freestyle

Preliminary Moves

Suzuko Knott

Bronze Freestyle / Dance 3

Preliminary Dance

Molly Landis

Freestyle 4

Pre-Preliminary Moves

Marijana Ljubicic

Freestyle 3

No Tests

Kiersten Page

Freestyle 4

Pre-Preliminary FS / Juvenile Moves

Lila Van Frachen

Freestyle 1

No Tests

Peg Van Patten

Freestyle 2 / Dance 1 & Dutch Waltz

Pre-Bronze Adult Moves / Pre-Bronze Adult FS